Osiris was the son of Rhea as Nut and Chronos as Gebb and was born on the first of the five epagomenal days of the year. He became king and devoted his whole life to improving the condition of his people. He taught them agriculture and the worship of the gods, and he drew up a code of laws for their use. The reconstitution of the body of Osiris was effected by Horus and his four sons Isis, Nephthys, Gebb and Nut also assisted. Horus gave the god his Eye and gave him life in his name of ANDJ-TI and restored to him the use of all his members, and 'opened his mouth' for him with his little finger. A very ancient legend states that Gebb the Earth-god divided Egypt between these two equal and opposing gods and gave the south to Set and the north to Horus.