The letter of my lord, the most illustrious elder, arrived. … Please give Sus Siti and Kinbati [and Isha] and Ishaq the Banyan my best regards, and tell them of my longing for them. Inform them in my name that as for pepper, in this coming year its value, [that is] the price per bahar, will be thirty dinars, and more, and as for refurbished iron, a bahar will be [worth] not less than twenty dinars, and that the raqs [shining, glittering iron], which was in the city, is completely exhausted. [Tell them also] to despatch a ship from Mangalore, if they can, and to send in it any available pepper, iron, cubeb, and ginger; it should set out at the first opportunity for al-Dyyb [Diu], taking some coir [coconut fibre], fine aloes wood, mango [?], and coconuts, because all these are selling well.