Alchemy and astrology tend to be regarded as non scientific and therefore not valid as they contradict the dominant cultural discourse of scientific materialism. In the same way, it may appear that the efficacy of analysis and psychotherapy are difficult to objectively judge. Certainly attempts to scientifically measure are challenged when experiences are so subjective. The alchemical process required action to achieve transformation. Combining opposites by heating, dissolving, mixing and separating resulted in all the substances being changed. Spiritual alchemy works by experimenting with new ways to think and feel, bringing feelings to consciousness so they can be re-evaluated and integrated at a higher level: refining base emotions into spiritual gold. Alchemy and analysis offer tools for self-transformation throughout life. The study of alchemy can promote a relationship between the higher and lower parts of ourselves: bringing about regeneration and an integration of body, soul, mind and spirit in a holistic personality as we increase our functional ability with symbols.