In 2012, Nottingham Trent Student's Union (NTSU) launched its first student-led teaching award. Nottingham Trent University (NTU) students were invited to identify outstanding tutors and describe what made them so. The awards are seen as prestigious by staff, and those being nominated clearly feel recognized for the exceptional work they do. The Outstanding Teaching Awards have raised the profile of NTSU amongst academics. This has had two benefits: firstly, it has improved working relationships with academics and secondly, it has also increased awareness of NTSU services. NTSU is an independent democratic organization that represents the diverse body of students studying at NTU. Like other student's unions in the UK, it is led by a team of elected full-time sabbatical officers who serve a one-year term of office. The officers have portfolios relating to the different aspects of student life, including education, welfare, volunteering, sports and student societies.