This chapter analyzes the make-up of the new Central Military Commission (CMC), Xi Jinping's control of the gun and the huge challenges of People's Liberation Army (PLA) transformation against Beijing's perceived external security threats heightened by the US's 'pivot to Asia' policy. The chapter argues that the 18th CMC is a professional, competent and balanced team in terms of grouping/military region (MR) representation, occupational expertise and personal characteristics. Xi Jinping influence in the PLA has already been strong, or even stronger than Hu Jintao's at the end of his tenure. Consequently the PLA serves Xi's political leadership style by of making itself available to Xi's call, either for his domestic reforms or external initiatives. With PLA backing in addition to his supporters in the Politburo, he establishes an authority that exceeds that of Jiang Zemin and Hu Jingtao at their height. With all this, the Xi era has kicked off in a smooth way in terms of power transition.