This chapter presents the case example of an 83-year-old-man who has been referred to the memory clinic by his GP, and presented with psychological problems. Due to the complex interplay of physical, psychological and social factors in older adulthood, a multidisciplinary assessment will often be required in order to ensure a holistic and comprehensive intervention package is provided. Depression and anxiety are common psychological disorders in late life. It is sometimes argued that the mood disorder arises directly from the changes associated with the disorder, however, from a psychological perspective, the person's mood needs to be understood in relation to the dynamics of the process of adjustment. In our view, in all clinical psychological practice, whatever the age of the client, interventions need to be individually tailored, based on careful assessment and formulation. Older people referred for psychological therapy are often in the midst of difficult life circumstances, health problems, multiple bereavements, reduced social networks, enforced relocations.