Gill is a twenty-four-year-old woman who was referred because of obsessive-compulsive problems. She was worried about contamination by ‘dirt’ and ‘germs’, and engaged in excessive handwashing and cleaning. Any object touched by others – except a few family members and close friends – worried her, and she would try to avoid coming into contact with such items. If, however, she did touch any of these objects (which included telephones, door handles, chairs in offices, others’ clothes, etc.) she would feel very anxious and would wash excessively. She would use large amounts of soap and detergents, and wash her hands repeatedly until she felt clean. She would also often wash her arms and face in the same way. A bath would take a long time, as she was determined to cleanse herself thoroughly. In the office where she worked as a part-time secretary, Gill would go to the washroom at least ten times a day to wash her hands. She sought help when she found that her problems seriously interfered with normal living, and when family and friends began to comment on her peculiar behaviour.