Specific issues in the treatment of chemically dependent men and women are defined and specific suggestions to address sexual orientation issues in treatment and the recovery process are made. There are many socio-political influences that produce higher rates of alcohol abuse among gays and many socio-political aspects to being gay, lesbian, or bisexual in a heterosexual society. The bar scene lends itself to the use of anxiety-releasing and disinhibiting effects of alcohol or other drugs. Chemical dependency counselors and other human service professionals need to be sensitive to even the most subtle expressions of biphobia and homophobia. Inherent in the perceptions of heterosexual, bisexual and homosexual persons are certain stereotypes that, when applied to individuals within each group may seem accurate but do not readily apply to the group as a whole. Many of the stereotypes operate to produce fears or phobias. These fears are best dealt with in a therapeutic sexuality group.