This chapter presents the mechanisms, symptoms, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries to the knee ligaments in soccer and also shows the results of reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) in soccer players by using the fascia lata as a graft. The mechanism of injury to the Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) is most commonly an impact to the lateral side of the knee, which forces the joint into valgus. There are three types of sprains: Grade I, Grade II and Grade III. Shelbourne and Porter reported that the non-operative management of MCL injuries in conjunction with adequate reconstruction of the ACL is a reasonable and possibly advantageous management approach for the patient with a combined ACL-MCL injury. The non-operative treatment of MCL injuries and PCL injuries can give well to excellent functional outcomes in soccer players. As with the rehabilitation of ACL-injuries, stationary cycling, water jogging, and coordination exercises are important in the rehabilitation programme.