Mrs. Machover was born in 1902. She received the M.A. degree in Psychology from New York University in 1930 and has done post-graduate study at Columbia University. She has Diplomate status in Clinical Psychology from the American Board of Examiners in Professional Psychology. For more than twenty years, she has been with the New York City Department of Hospitals. Currently, she is Assistant to the Chief of the Psychology Department of the Kings County Psychiatric Hospital, Brooklyn, New York. She is also Clinical Associate of the State of New York College of Medicine and teaches at the New School for Social Research and the Graduate School of Brooklyn College. She has done extensive work in the investigation of personality through the drawing of the human figure. She has collaborated with the U.S. Navy Project on personality and perception (under the direction of Dr. Herman A. Witkin) and a study of adolescent and young adult girls (under the direction of Lawrence K. Frank). She is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Projective Techniques and Editorial Chairman of the journal, Case Reports in Clinical Psychology. See Bibliography [37].