Garnish of Truffles in Glaze.

Garnish of Asparagus-heads.

à la Parisienne.

Asparagus Peas.

in Suprême.

Button Onions, for matelotte.

of whole Truffles.

White Button Onions.

Mushrooms à l'Allemande.

Windsor Beans.

do. in Espagnole.

French Beans.

of young Carrots.

Artichoke bottoms.

Carrots cut in fancy shapes.

Glaized Onions.


Brocoli, or Cauliflower.

Carrots and Turnips à la Nivernaise.

Brussels Spronts.

Chestnuts for roast Turkey.

Cucumbers in scollops.

Jerusalem Artichokes.

Cucumbers farcis.

Cloves of Garlic.

Celery à la crène.

White Haricot-Beans.

Celery à l'Espagnole.

Red Haricot-Beans.

Young Carrots à la Flamande.

Braized Cabbage Lettuces.

White Macédoine of vegetables.

Braized Cabbages.

Brown do.

Stewed Red Cabbages.

Green Peas.


Stewed Peas.

Sauërkraut à la Française.