The Ghanaian government has recently ratified its commitment to Education for All (EFA) and to reaching marginalised students through inclusive education. This article critically examines the often conflicting demands of internationally driven initiatives and their subsequent interpretation and implementation in a disparate culture. A controversial debate juxtaposes conceptualisations of disability as rooted in social injustice with positions which see disability as an impairment located within the individual. Critically, divergent conceptualisations of disability carry political implications for educational policies and provision. It is argued that meaningful educational opportunities for students with autism in Ghana are limited by this dichotomy of thinking and must be re-conceptualised to account for both the interaction between individual and societal barriers as well as local understandings of disability. Conceptualisations of disability, as entrenched in Ghanaian cultural beliefs, norms and history are explored alongside the implications of these beliefs in designing and implementing national educational policies for students with intellectual disabilities as well as the socio-political pressures to adhere to large-scale international movements such as EFA and inclusive education (IE).