This chapter explores the critical approach to the study of organizations, from 'within', focusing on decision-making processes in terms of 'recontextualization' on employment policies in the European Union. It discusses the reconstruction of decision-making processes in the complex, multinational, multilingual organization by showing how a policy paper on employment policy and unemployment intended for the Council of Ministers in Luxembourg in November was produced in several drafts; that is the genesis of the paper. The chapter explains the definition of discourse and provides a model the discourse-historical approach on which the research is based. It examines the reconstruction of decisions by looking at the drafts of the policy paper and charting the 'life of arguments' in their recontextualization, so-called textual chains, from the first proposal through the draft to the final version. The chapter analyzes the employment policies in the EU and by the role of globalization in the search for new 'European employment policies'.