In Chapters 6 and 7 the main sources of information on urban and rural land use in Great Britain were reviewed; the emphasis in this chapter is on obtaining such information de novo, whether by observation on the ground or by the interpretation of imagery obtained by aerial photography and/or remote sensing from satellites. Such information will normally be sought by central or local government. Although there Is a commercial interest in the data and commercial agencies may be employed by governments, the collection of information on land use does not seem to have been regarded as a commercial venture in its own right. Thf re will inevitably be some overlap between this chapter and Chapters 6 and 7 since the evaluation of existing data necessarily involves some consideration of methods of collection. The chief difference is that the methods discussed here can be directly related to the purposes for which the data are required, whereas Chapters 6 and 7 were primarily concerned with data collected with other objectives in mind.