The term 'desertification' was first used by the French forester, Aubreville, in response to his observations while working on the south side of the Sahara that the desert was spreading inexorably southwards into the savannas and forests of West Africa. This chapter focuses on UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Combating Desertification in Africa. The UNCCD, all signatory parties have an obligation to adopt an integrated approach addressing the physical, biological and socio-economic aspects of the process of desertification and drought. Contemporary implications of desertification for development in eastern and southern Africa at the local level it is necessary first to clarify the terms 'drylands' and 'land degradation'. Now-a-days the term 'dryland' is used to refer collectively to all dry areas, where dryness is interpreted as significant periods of moisture deficiency. Lower temperatures at the land surface resulting from desertification would mean there would be less sensible and latent heat transfer to the atmosphere.