This chapter offers a relational and systemic view of auto/biography. Conversations produce stories through composition of bodies and words, as a dance among the participants. The issues of voice and narrative freedom, quite relevant for biographic researchers, do not have simple methodological solutions; they are intrinsically paradoxical. The chapter shows by telling author's own experience of being 'invoked' into the text. The chapter explores some changes in author's story, re-reading two texts, written in 1990 and 2000. This chapter offers a systemic view of narration as a process of sense-making in human lives. It uses auto/biography as a practice to become reflexive about change and continuity in author's life, to recognize how his theory of identity changed. The chapter considers auto/biography an extraordinary way to enlighten and even to provoke change. In the systemic view, interactions and relationships are primary. Subjectivity, individuals, intentions, memories, contents, understanding, have any meaning but in relation to some context.