This introduction presents an overview of key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book explores and analyses Indonesian sexualities from multidisciplinary perspectives in the most recent political era of the nation's history, the Reformasi era. The book shows that Indonesia is a sexually repressed nation by highlighting the very public nature of conversations about sex and sexuality and drawing attention to the dynamic contestations over who defines and controls Indonesian sexualities in the Reformasi era. It contributes the study of sexuality revolve around four key theoretical domains. The four key theoretical domains include power, resistance and agency; heteronormativity and queer challenges; performativity; and sexual morality, shame and stigma. It includes research with adolescents, young adults, adults and older women, there are gaps in relation to the sexual socialisation of children. Finally, it encourages further research that explores Indonesian sexualities in the context of its rich and complex relationships with love, intimacy, desire, pleasure and emotion.