This chapter echoes Gloria E. Anzaldua's plea by asking that people pay attention to la joteria in the classroom for registering the vital interventions Latino/a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) writers have made on the literary scene. This chapter considers the relationship between contemporary and early texts while spotlighting key moments in the history of queer Latino/literary expressions. Queer Latino/writers have excavated the past for material for fashioning revisionist histories and identities. Lourdes Torre's influential essay 'The Construction of the Self in United States Latina Autobiographies' is beneficial for comprehending the crucial historical and personal currency of life writing. In view of the steadfast autobiographical impulse characterizing Moraga's and Anzaldua's writing, it would benefit students and instructors alike to consult published interviews with these writers. Juan Bruce-Novoa's essay Homosexuality and the Chicano Novel is unquestionably one of the first and foremost critical overviews of queer representations in Chicano/Latino literature.