Study of Latin manuscripts confirms George Herzfeld's choice of a main source for the notice on Marina but also extends knowledge of the detail in that main source. It reveals a hitherto unknown but distinctive Latin passio which gives reason for the naming of the saint in the Old English Martyrology (OEM), and allows consideration of her unusual obit. The new Latin passio is selectively illustrated first since it has a small part to play in a discussion of Marina in OEM, but it is a novelty for Latin hagiographers and have influence on other vernacular presentations of the story of Margaret. It is an extant within present knowledge in full in five manuscripts, four of which were written in the ninth century. Although in time Marina was re-named Margareta, but corrects superscript to Margareta, some obviously, like the scribe of Reims 1395 who copied successively a Passio Margarete and a Passio Marine, regarded it as separate saints.