Digital technology is developing at an increasingly fast pace and is now accessible through a number of devices. This chapter proposes a cluster mapping typology that draws from Bunt, Helland, and Karaflogka, and which proposes four primary categories: virtual worlds and games (VWG), mobile applications (MA), websites (W), and social media (SM). The process of mapping the Buddhist cyberspace involves few stages. The term cyberspace was first coined by William Gibson in his novel Neuromancer and he likened cyberspace to an online Utopia, a place where anything would be possible. Gary Bunt, a reader in Islamic Studies at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, examines the Muslim/Islamic cyberspace which he defines as Cyber Islamic Environments (CIEs). Karaflogkas list of categories is extensive and includes a wide range of areas. Her typology could be used for mapping Buddhism on the Internet, as these categories are broadly generic.