The nursery unit is a detached, purpose-built structure with its own garden and playground. The garden is very spacious and contains a small area cultivated by the children. The nursery itself consists of two large areas, which can be partitioned if required, and which have washing facilities. Ethnographic researchers often claim to have generated ‘grounded theory’ whereby they purport to suspend their conventional conceptual framework when selecting and interpreting their data. Buildings are expressions of ideologies. The modern office block purports to be a physical manifestation of the social relations of bureaucracy. Continuous assessment of the young child is carried out in the form of check-lists which include headings such as social development, language development, play, tactile-skills, motor control, creativity, physical development, visual and auditory development, concentration and speech. A child’s progress is continuously being monitored by the staff and this is reported to his parents in an informal way.