SUMMARY. The world of unique identifiers can sometimes seem like an alphabet soup: SICIs, PII's, ISSNs, DOIs, ISTCs, InfoURIs, and more. These standards will be explored, and questions raised related to unique identifiers as crucial keys to the new library environment, where information sharing requires the increased precision in identification and linking that can only come from development and use of unique identifiers. How do we uniquely identify a library or branches within a system? What about journals, articles within journals, books, chapters, component and other parts? Existing identifiers such as NUC symbols, ISBN, and ISSN are imprecise and may be inadequate in an age of machine parsing and processing. New identifiers are needed, and there are opportunities for library involvement and advocacy. [Article copies available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivery Service: l-SOO-HAWORTH. E-mail address: <docdelivety@haworthpress.com > Website: < https://www.HaworthPress.com >]