In the changing world of serials, there is a continuing interest in knowing how other libraries are managing their e-journal collections and how these journals have affected the organizational structure and workflow of their institutions. Specifically, has the workload increased when dealing with the ordering, processing, licensing negotiations, serial maintenance, and perpetual access issues of electronic journals? As part of her graduate library studies, Susan Gardner developed a simple seventeen-question Web-based serial survey that addressed some of these issues. She used a “mixture of multiple-choice nominal and ordinal queries supplemented by one open-ended question that allowed the respondent the opportunity for a free response.” Her objective was “to identify developing standards or common practices used by libraries to handle e-journals.” Gardner submitted her survey to 110 164ARL serial librarians and received thirty-four responses. Her presentation detailed how she constructed this viable survey, how she compiled the data, and some of the results. However, the main focus of Gardner’s workshop was her insightful commentary on the design flaws she discovered within the survey that may have skewed her results and how these mistakes could be avoided in future surveys. [Article copies available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivery Service: 1-800-HAWORTH. E-mail address: <docdelivery@haworthpress.com> Website: <https://www.HaworthPress.com>]