Satellite cataloging operations using public services staff trained specifically to complete non-book cataloging are almost nonexistent or are very rarely written about in traditional library literature. A search of the literature provides little or no evidence of their existence. On the surface, they would appear to take more time, effort, and budget outlay to bring up and maintain. There are real advantages as well as some disadvantages to maintaining these operations. There is a risk as public services staff have a primary responsibility to provide public and reference services and very little time to catalog as well as keep up with the changes in cataloging rules and practice. But it can work with planning, organization, and cooperation between the departments and staff involved. [Article copies available for a fee from TheHaworth Document Delivery Service: 1-800-342-9678, E-mail address: getinfo@haworth-pressinc.com <Website: https://www.haworthpressinc.com>]