This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts covered in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book discusses how to establish relationships with members of Congress in order to effectively influence policy. It considers some basic questions that are important to understanding the public policy issues. The book examines the mental health of Lesbian, Gay & Bisexuals (LGBs) and the unfounded assumptions that underlie anti-LGB policy efforts. It focuses shifts to explicit attempts to end discrimination and promote LGB-affirming federal policies. The book describes the political landscape relevant to including sexual orientation in existing federal hate crimes laws. It provides readers with a basic understanding of antidiscrimination law and how it affects LGBs. The book explains the policy implications relevant to anti-LGB discrimination with respect to housing. It reviews policy as it relates to same-sex marriage and domestic partner benefits. The book considers the role of public policy in the recognition of families headed by lesbians and gay men.