On 21 November 2005, at the close of a day that was politically astounding even by Israeli standards, Ariel Sharon held a press conference at the Prime Minister's Office and made the following statement.

Good evening. This morning I met with the President of Israel, and asked his approval to dissolve the Knesset and move towards new elections as soon as possible. Following this, I began to establish a new, national liberal party in Israel together with my colleagues, who displayed courage and national responsibility.

After many misgivings, I decided to leave the Likud Party today. In its present form, the Likud cannot lead Israel towards its national goals. I established the Likud to serve a national idea, and provide hope to the people of Israel. Unfortunately, it no longer exists there... Staying in the Likud means wasting time on political struggles, rather than acting on behalf of the state. I prefer the good of the country to the comfortable and easy personal interest. The citizens of Israel gave me their trust. They did not elect me to warm a seat.

The new movement we are establishing today will serve the people of Israel for many years. It will be a new home for all the Israelis who want to act responsibly and with faith for the country, and realize the Zionist vision. I call on all who believe in this to join us, and move forward with us. 1