Several initiatives contain elements that are considered to comprise the equivalent of a green planning or sustainable development strategy process in Sweden. Among these are:

UNCED, Swedish Government Bill 1993/4:111 (submitted to Parliament on 9 December 1993, adopted in late April 1994) (SwedMoE, 1994).

The Environment: Our Common Responsibility (draft 95–03–08), (Government Communication 1994/5:120 presented to Parliament on 20 December 1994) (SwedMoE, 1995) — an elaboration of the 1994 bill by the new Swedish government outlining the focus and strategy of its environmental policy, and a state of the environment report.

Every year, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources prepares a state of the environment report for discussion by Parliament.

An Environmentally Adapted Society: The Action Programme of the Environmental Protection Agency: Enviro ’93, prepared by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SwedEPA, 1993). This ‘strategy’ also raises issues associated with the UNCED follow-up (see section below on an environmentally adapted society: the action programme of the Environmental Protection Agency: Enviro ’93).