This chapter is a part book review and part theoretical manifest for the emerging field of studies that the author sees Herukhuti's book being a part of: Funk Studies. Upon first glance at the cover of Herukhuti's Conjuring Black Funk, he was a little confused as to why he would feel it necessary to put Black in front of funk, because any funk that could be conjured has to be inherently Black. In the very first chapter of Conjuring Black Funk, Herukhuti explains the origins of his book and cultural center: Black Funk, then, challenges all Black people to continue a process of sexual decolonization that began after emancipation and colonization. Because African cosmology insists that subjectivity is always changing and in process, producing active thoughts, rather than final answers and solutions as key, Conjuring Black Funk brings a spiritual intonation to the concept of theory and offers an intellectual categorization of conjuring.