This book gathers together interviews and personal reflections with leading researchers in consumption studies for the first time. Taken together, these contributions provide an important overview of important developments in social theory over that past twenty years, and an excellent introduction to the growing field of consumption studies. Perhaps more importantly, they offer a personal glimpse into the life and work of several major contemporary social theorists, such as sociologist George Ritzer, anthropologist Daniel Miller, historian Mark Poster, and sociologist Colin Campbell, as well as important figures in their respective fields, such as consumer researcher Sidney Levy, a living legend in marketing and consumer research, Morris Holbrook, a leading consumer behavior researcher who profoundly transformed the field, Stephen Brown, a prolific marketing academic who has turned to writing popular novels to get his message out, management philosopher Pierre Guillet de Monthoux, consumer researcher Fuat Fırat, and performance artist Judith Wilske – each of whom deserve a wider audience.