Due to its potential for risk and disaster, climate change can increase the vulnerability of society. Thus, societies have to pursue strategies encompassing mitigation as well as adaptation and response. Vulnerability to climate variation is determined in part by the politically adopted strategies in force so far. Flood protection is one of the fields in which to cope with the problem means to seize or to miss the respective chance. According to Paavola & Adger (2004, p. 175), adaptive responses include changes in institutional arrangements or public policies, public and private spending, as well as investments in infrastructure and other durable goods. However, experience also shows that there are constraints on achieving full adaptation. Maladjustments may occur due to decisions that are based on short-term considerations, imperfect foresight, insufficient information and over-reliance on insurance mechanisms (IPCC, 2001, p. 8). Another crucial aspect of adaptation is the generation, dissemination and consideration of climate-related knowledge.