In 2003 soccer overtook cricket as the sport most played in Australia.[ 1 ] Nevertheless, while soccer is the most popular participation team sport, it is by no means the most mediated or supported. In the lead up to the (2006) FIFA World Cup finals qualifier in Sydney, the Uruguayans declared that victory was more crucial for Uruguay because of the exalted status of the sport in Uruguay. It was pointed out that Uruguay was not just the inaugural World Cup holder, but soccer/football was the sport backbone of the country. The Uruguayans also maintained that for Australia, the result was of less consequence because soccer is less valued within the Australian sporting culture. Whilst the consequence for either nation was debatable, the Uruguayan interpretation of soccer in Australia prompts reconsideration of the relative standing of this sport in Australia. Historically, the Australian commercial media has not been generous in its coverage and treatment of soccer in Australia.[ 2 ] Even today men’s cricket typically dominates media sports coverage in the spring and summer, and, in the autumn and winter, Australian Rules Football in the southern states and Rugby League in the eastern states. Such was the saturation of rugby league and AFL during the winter months, that soccer and basketball moved their national league seasons to the summer months.