This chapter presents a case study of a gated community in Mendoza, Argentina, called 'Palmares'. The development of the gated community 'Palmares de Presidente' started in 1993. However, while status is something that residents of Palmares think they can acquire by moving to the gated community, many in the outside community believe that some people can move there on account of the status they already possess. Analysing the responses of the interviewees about their reasons for moving to Palmares, the theoretical assumptions are corroborated. Security is the most important motive within the structural causes and getting status and a better life quality appear as the subjective reasons for moving to the gated community. The borders of the gated community lead to the existence of two different worlds: one within the walls and the other outside them. Most of the residents of Palmares have a very limited knowledge of the surrounding community because they do not have any kind of contact.