This chapter traces some of the major developments in the historiography of the pogrom and explains how the scholarship has developed in response to the dramatic growth in Holocaust-related research, the availability of new sources, and generational shifts within the German academic world and German society more generally. One of the most important recent publications that enhance our understanding of Kristallnacht is one that deals mainly with events other than the violence of November 1938. The foundation for academic research on the subject was laid by Hermann Graml, an historian long associated with the Institute fur Zeitgeschichte in Munich. Scholarly studies of Kristallnacht multiplied in the first decade of the current century, reflecting a more general explosion in research on the Holocaust. Among the recent publications is an article in the journal Geschichte im Westen, which describes itself as a Zeitschrift fur Landes-und Zeitgeschichte of the region Rhineland and Westfalen-Lippe.