Vestigial emulsification develops from notions of memory and experience. Intrinsic to the nature of the city are history and reference to past generations, past worlds. Time has the ability to accelerate or rest, while still carrying through one's experience. The deployment of a series of autonomous agents through a discrete and localized rule set creates an emergent urban organization. Emulsification emerges as a concept where urban landscapes are viscous, liquid bodies. Forces like trade, the economy, and daily ritual contribute to the emulsification of a city. The final result is a living city which constantly undergoes change and carries its history and memory through time. The pavilion embodies this dynamic on a smaller scale. Its own urbanism becomes influenced by paths of circulation, use, natural light, and views from certain vantage points located around and within the site. Emulsification over time leaves behind imprints of memory and experience which become embedded in the pliant module.