The phrase "infinite turbulence" characterizes both our experience in China and the endless chaotic field produced by linguistic, cultural, and spatial discontinuities. Processing software helps to establish a stochastic modeling technique which functions as an analog to the radical unpredictability of the lived experience. The typology of a folded plate acts as a base which then undergoes a series of morphological transformations to produce various nesting strategies. The desire for continuity becomes a challenge to create a new, stable ground of exchange. Continuous paths of movement and habitation initiate specific rule-sets which in turn lead to the development of an aggregated field of components. Rendering of proposed pavilion in Pratt campus site. Wire-frame section/elevation of proposed pavilion. Pavilion plan highlighting the sequencing and arrangement of structural protrusions. Oblique view of modular assembly. Contraction of folded plate modules twists the cylindrical volume prompting it to spiral into the air.