Human Terrain Teams (HTTs) complement the military transition teams (MiTTs), and are composed of military personnel, linguists, area studies specialists, and civilian social scientists. HTT is recruited and trained as a team for a specific region, then embedded with their supported unit. The Brigade Combat Team (BCT) commander determines the extent of the HTTs' interaction and relationships with the rest of the BCT staff and subordinate units. The HTTs' mission is to increase the ability of brigades, battalions, companies, platoons, and squads to understand the local populace that they live with and must operate among. A US battalion, SHADOW team, was on site minutes after detonation, the bus was still burning. US forces assisted with crowd control and preserved the site for investigation during daylight hours. The commander of the Third Battalion, Fourth Public Order Brigade, responded to reports of two Sunni mosques under attack in Abu Descheer.