More than fifty countries across the globe have purchased surveillance drones. Armed drones are more difficult to purchase, so many countries have started their own development programs. Libyan security forces clashed with demonstrators, resulting in more than a dozen deaths. The anti-government militia formed soon thereafter and began a battle against the forces of the Gadhafi regime. Gadhafi's forces fought back, killing civilians. By the end of February, sanctions against Gadhafi had been imposed by the UN Security Council and the European Union. The Libyan rebel group became known as the National Transitional Council (NTC), and their armed wing was the Forces of Free Libya. The armed wing consisted of people from a mix of professions and backgrounds, such as businessmen, engineers, students, and laborers. According to some sources, they asked the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for imaging technology, but NATO declined, saying such a request was too sensitive.