The national soldiers were raiding villages, burning homes, and killing the people for food and supplies. The rebels-the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) used similar tactics. The young men and boys who were selected were told they were now members of the RUF. United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. UNICEF is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and strives to establish children's rights as enduring ethical principles and international standards of behavior towards children. During training, rumors spread about a possible peace agreement between Tejan Kabbah and the RUF.