Aoki rehabilitates the question of life via the influential concepts of the planned and lived curriculum, through which he aims to release 'pedagogical life' from under the ossifying and dampening powers of standardization. In general terms, it might be said that curriculum thought is intimately concerned with the question of life. Indeed, curriculum's reconceptualization is marked by a general resistance against the over determination of life by valuing the proliferation of new subject formations and modes of enunciation previously unthought in the field. Yet, this reinvigoration comes by way of a curious event in the history of curriculum theory: the prospect of its death. As students of curriculum know well, curriculum's death knell is most infamously expressed in Joseph J. Schwab's diagnosis of the curriculum as moribund. From the thanatotic scene of curriculum's reconceptualization would emerge a seemingly enlivened field born through new alliances with critical theory, feminism, post-structuralism, and a host of untimely scholars for thinking education.