Betty was born in Minneapolis on 5/16/51. She weighed 6 lbs., 9½ oz. and was 21” long. When she left the hospital on 5/22/51, she weighed 6 lbs., 6½ oz. She was a full-term baby, delivery had been normal, and the hospital had described her as a normal, healthy infant. When Betty left the hospital she was placed in a Children’s Home Society boarding home. A few days after her placement, she developed a tendency to spit up a good deal of her food, and she cried and appeared to be uncomfortable a good deal of the time. When she was examined by the agency’s pediatrician on 6/6/51, she was found to be a normal infant, but it was recommended that she be kept in a boarding home for a while longer to see if her feeding problems could be relieved. Later, she was placed on an Olac formula™. Her weight on 6/6/51 was 7 lbs., 14 oz.