This chapter identifies the distinction between evidence-based practice and evidence-based treatment (EBT), as one believe that this distinction has important implications for the translation of Family-Based Treatment (FBT) into the clinical practice realm. It summarizes the current state of the utilization of EBTs within the eating disorder field and more specifically, the utilization of FBT. The chapter discusses the specific efforts that have been undertaken to understand the dissemination of FBT for the treatment of child and adolescent Anorexia Nervosa (AN). Recent literature has begun to investigate the extent to which EBTs and treatment guidelines are implemented with patients diagnosed with eating disorders. Sound qualitative data from FBT dissemination lend support for tailoring planful and facilitative implementation initiatives. Future work should focus on merging FBT dissemination findings into EBT implementation models that have been found to be successful in other human service areas namely, the NIRN implementation model and the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) meta-theory.