This chapter discusses how the policy of assimilation was used in Algeria and the conflicts it created with the major tenets of Islam. It examines the issues of marriage, language, culture, women, the wine growing industry, and taxation in colonial Algeria. The chapter analyzes how the of French assimilation in Algeria created an environment of mistrust between Muslims and the West. The turmoil, oppressive governments, and handpicked dictators that we see today in the Muslim world originate from destructive colonial policies. The chapter concludes by briefly addressing how French colonial assimilationist policies created conflicts in Algeria that plagued the nation after independence. One underlying principle that was evident during French occupation and today's nationalist, Algerian controlled government is Islam. This shared religion continues to greatly influence the direction and desire of the people of Algeria. The chapter concludes by briefly addressing how French colonial assimilationist policies created conflicts in Algeria that plagued the nation after independence.