Commercial strategies for intense exploitation of information and communication technology (ICT) systems caused three types of ecological threats and existential aggravations. Performed yearly revenues got astronomical, while the leaps of innovation in ICT sectors soared, in historically unparalleled levels. Political measures and research development can contribute towards alternative and environment-friendly information systems to replace current damaging ones. Careful monitoring will ensure that attempts at corporate social responsibility (CSR) do not end up in 'green washing' practices. Info-flation pertains to a type of 'public communication environment' that tends to favour recycling of trivia such as trendy chatting or homogenized gossiping. Info-flation is an endemic-informational condition of digital capitalism. Corporate decisions to commercialize network access and information services on an individual basis were crucial. Digital environmental pollution goes in tandem with the expanding disease of info-flation. E-waste, human waste, and infoflation derive from flagrant exploitation of digital media and ICT patents.