In the introduction of the series of lectures which it is my intention to give to the members of this Society on the duties and possible attainments in the mastery of a thorough system of costs necessary for the guidance of a manufacturing community. Direct expenses, such as the management of departments by foremen, managers, &c., unless they can be specially assigned to separate departments, are divisible by a percentage upon the wages expended. Indirect expenses, such as office management, commissions, directors' fees, auditors, rates and taxes, &c, are divisible by a percentage upon the value of the output. Manufacturers need more assistance than what is ordinarily contained in an audit. In designing Cost Accounts, a manufacturer looks upon every payment to his workmen as discharging a liability, from which ho naturally expects a compensating asset in the form of work in progress. The only true and correct system of Cost Accounts is that worked out on double entry system.