The region encompassing Afghanistan and Pakistan (Af/Pak region) is undergoing a fundamental strategic change. This book has as its purpose the analysis of the nature of this strategic change, to seek possible future scenarios and to examine policy options. The book also undertakes a critical review of the basic elements of the Western strategic approach towards dealing with regional conflicts in all parts of the world, with special emphasis on the Af/Pak region. It is based on the deliberations of an international conference that the Aspen Institute Germany organized together with the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation in Berlin in early January 2012, which brought together some of the best experts on this issue. 1 The book addresses three major issues: what has gone wrong in the past with regard to Afghanistan and what strategic adjustments are needed? Is Pakistan a strategic ally of the West, or has Pakistan become a strategic problem? What are the possible future scenarios and policy options and what does strategic readjustment really mean?