This introduction to the Handbook explains the necessity of such a handbook for those interested in understanding the full scale and complexity of EU–Russia relations. Here, the editors also provide an insight into the considerations involved in compiling a handbook that is composed of 40 chapters, each one treading contentious territory. The editors talk through the structure of the book, offering a frank account of the limitations and the reasons for them, as well as some of the challenges involved in assembling 40-plus authors, each with their distinct views on what is important in the relationship and who, if anyone, is to blame for the failings where failings exist. Along the way, they provide a lucid summary of the cross-cutting issues that feature in the volume, explaining their significance while simultaneously delivering insights into the nature of the actors themselves. In the final section to these prefatory remarks, the editors set out the scope for the future of the EU–Russia relationship, echoing the conclusions of the contributing authors.