Carnap saw the importance of the dispositional idiom to science but also that there was something problematic about the modal connection between distinct existences that real dispositional properties would bring. With the Diodorean conditional in addition to the truth of the antecedent and consequent, whether the consequent, even if true, could be false, and nothing is said about the truth of conditionals whose antecedents are false. The spirit of Carnap lives on in the conditional analysis of dispositions, which retains adherents. Truth-functionality is perhaps now taken for granted by many who are taught the standard logic, but it is an absolutely crucial feature for an anti-Humean to oppose. Logic is a codification of reason, one might say, and as metaphysics has to be reasoned through, then all theories must be answerable to logic. A power or disposition bears a more than purely contingent connection to the manifestation it brings about, which we have argued is an irreducibly tendential connection.