Tourism involves individuals, people, and communities. It is not only an economic phenomenon, but also has its social, cultural, and geographical impacts on societies and destinations. Touristic activities consist of processes of interaction between different social and cultural structures. This interaction causes some changes in social structure. Tourism impacts on society and cultures occur at both national and international level. The change is bidirectional. It is possible to investigate, directly or indirectly, human groups affected within the frame of relations, demographic and cultural characteristics, traditions and customs, lifestyles, folklore, and social norms. The current chapter focuses on the impacts of tourism on individuals, family, society, changing population, and travel policies. The chapter will also focus on the changes tourism brings about in the cultural values and beliefs of societies in the long term. Parallel to the development of a touristic destination, the changes taking place in local people’s attitudes are the basis of the sociocultural effects of tourism. In order to be successful in tourism, local people need to understand and participate in tourism properly. Further, the importance of planning for tourism destinations and sustainability principles in managing the socialcultural impacts of tourism will be discussed.