This chapter focuses on how teachers can use it more effectively within the day-to-day classroom. It aims to understand how to use formative assessment effectively to enhance the quality of teacher-learner talk. Formative assessment can be described as an ongoing process that involves working with learners so that they know where they are in their learning, where they need to be and how they are going to get there. Supported by effective formative assessment, the Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) Taxonomy then is able to offer teachers bas teachers a clear method for asking questions so that learning can progress. The SOLO Taxonomy is a model of learning that appears to provide a simple, reliable and robust framework of understanding: surface, deep and conceptual. The lesser-known taxonomy, in comparison to Bloom’s 1956 and 2001 versions, is SOLO. What makes the SOLO Taxonomy particularly interesting is that it can make the outcome of a question ‘visible’ to teachers.