Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV) are the last four countries to enter into the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). More importantly, the CLMV countries’ information and communication technologies (ICT) development offers insights into national and sub-regional concerns that need to be addressed in the ASEAN, but also in global, negotiations. The Ministry of Interior works on cybercrime, whereas the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation performs cyber diplomacy and matters related to cybersecurity at the ASEAN Regional Forum. Laos needs a sustainable budget for supporting ICT infrastructures, international cyber cooperation, and to establish roles and responsibilities to further improve current cybersecurity situation of the nation. With CLMV framework cybersecurity policy, international law and voluntary norms as well as operational links and capabilities are being discussed. Although international cybersecurity is more than sum of national cybersecurity, the CLMV experience stresses the need to develop foundational ICT capabilities to create secure technical and favourable societal and economic conditions.